今夏、若手下駄職人の諸橋君とコラボして郡上おどりの踊り下駄 を作ります!
鼻緒をシルクスクリーン印刷 でプリントした手ぬぐいで作るので、もちろんお揃いの手ぬぐいも販売予定です!
We Takara Gallery are working on a making original Geta (Japanese clogs) using our screen printed tenugui (Japanese traditional towel)with our friend who is a young Geta craftsman!
This is a sample but we plan to sell them on this summer!
Gujo city we lived has a popular traditional summer dance festival called Gujo Odori. Some of the essential items for the dance are Geta and Tenugui!
Don't miss it!
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