
結婚式の前撮りをうちの前で!!なんと!!Look at that! How cute!!!

な、なんと!!リピーターのお客様が結婚式の前撮りを#郡上八幡 で行い、さらにうちのお店の前でも撮影してくださるとのこと!!
(´-`).。oO (私も色打掛も着たかったなぁ) 

These cute couple did the wedding photo shooting in advance in gujohachiman ! They also our repeated customers! so took a photo in front of our shop!!! How happy it is!!!! Congrats!!!!


新しいアート手ぬぐいは台湾から!New art tenugui is now available!

新しいアート手ぬぐい が発売開始です!

New art tenugui is now available at Takara Gallery workroom ! 
Designed by Rosy Chang from Taiwan. Collaboration of Takara Gallery workroom × Artist from all over the world.

トートバッグ発売開始!Cotton tote bag is now available!

少しずつですが、遂に トートバッグ も販売開始しました〜!体験する時間のない方もお土産にどうぞ〜!
Screen printed cotton bag is now available at Takara Gallery workroom ! 
Bring your friends and family back a good souvenir!

蜘蛛の巣バスターズ Cobwebs busters!!

町屋だからなのか、蜘蛛の巣がすぐ張る。うちのNew girls達は背が高いので、箒を2つ繋げて蜘蛛の巣をぶった斬ってた。すげー。
My shop is always covered with cobwebs... maybe...its because very old style of Japanese house ?  My new girls are very tall so they can reach!! And destroy them!! Great!

タイからのお客様! Customers from thailand!

The customers who are media and tourism from thailand came to my shop yesterday. They said the fourth rank of foreign tourist come to Gifu is Thai people! I didn't know that!